Monday, August 4, 2014

Trade Station Final

Trade Union  R&D Memorandum

To: Regional Directors and Stellar managers
Subject:  new Ambassador Class Trading Hub

Our trademarked ringed cylinder stations are a venerable and recognizable symbol of the Trade Union throughout known space.   Functionally, however, they leave much to be desired.   The classic cylinder is an engineering marvel of stock retrieval and processing, but our customers view them as nothing more than automated points of exchange.   Even the recent addition of station personnel leaves much to be desired.  All alone, several junior trade representatives have, in their solitude, gone mad, joined the pirates, or even become tragically addicted to y-holes.   Our current stations are also poorly defended against attack, relying on their shields and TU patrols for defense.

Download sector export at:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blastivator! Functional, yet obnoxious.

Here's another attempt at logic based vertical transport.  It works brilliantly, and yet I don't think I'll be using it on any of my ships.

The red blocks and computer blocks in the picture below are individual push-pulse systems.
The activator and delay blocks activate the pulse systems in sequence.

Hit the button and you will be carried quickly and smoothly upward.
The down side is that each pulse sends out a visible pulse sphere 200M wide.   I don't want my ship to look like it's exploding just because I want to use the lift!   If you feel differently, enjoy.