Administrative Commands

Admin commands, sorted by general function

Under Construction:

Structure Management

/last_changed :: shows the unique id of the players that spawned and/or last modified the selected structure
/destroy_entity ::  Destroys the selected entity
/destroy_entity_dock  :: Destroys the selected entity and all docked structures.
/save $savename
/load $savename $newStructureName
/search $structurename
/start_ship_ai -1


/teleport_self_to X(float) Y(float) Z(float) :: Teleports CCE to the specified coordinates within a sector.
/change_sector X(int) Y(int) Z(int) :: Teleports CCE to the specified sector.
/jump :: Teleports CCE to an object in line of sight.
/tp_to $playername  :: Teleports CCE to the specified player.

Character Management

/kill_character $playername
/teleport_to $playername X(float) Y(float) Z(float) :: teleports the designated player to the specified coordinates within a sector.
/change_sector_for $playername X(int) Y(int) Z(int) :: teleports the designated player to the specified sector.
/tp $playername  :: Teleports the specified player to the CCE.
/invisibility_mode $playername (true|false) :: Sets visibility mode for specified character.
/god_mode $playername (true|false) :: Sets invulnerability mode for specified character.

Sector Management:

/export_sector X(int) Y(int) Z(int) $SectorFileName  :: Exports specified sector to specified filename
/import_sector X(int) Y(int) Z(int) $SectorFileName  :: Imports specified filenamen into specified Sector
/repair_sector X(int) Y(int) Z(int) :: attempts to correct the regitry of the sector
/sector_chmod X(int) Y(int) Z(int) (+|-) $(peace|protect)
/despawn_sector MOB_ unused true 2 2 2
/populate_sector 2 2 2

Inventory Management:

/giveid $playername elementID(int) count(int)
/give  $playername $elementName count(int)
/give_logbook $playername
/give_laser_weapon $playername
/give_recipe $playername recipeType(int)
/give_credits $playername count(int)
/give_all_items schema 20
/give_category_items schema 20 20

Faction Management:

/faction_list  ::
/faction_edit factionID(int) $FactionName $Description ::
/faction_create $FactionName $Description
/faction_delete factionID(int)
/faction_check :: checks sanity of factions (removes leftover/invalid factions)
/faction_list_members factionID(int)
/faction_join_id $playername factionID(int)
/faction_del_member $playername factionID(int)
/faction_mod_member $playername Rank(int(1-5))
/faction_mod_relation factionID(int) factionID(int) $Relationship(enemy|ally|neutral)

MOB Management

/despawn_all MOB_ unused true
/despawn_sector MOB_ unused true 2 2 2
/spawn_mobs mySavedShip -1 20
/spawn_mobs_line mySavedShip -1 20
/initiate_wave 5 20

Universe Management

/daytime duration(int) :: Sets the duration of a solar day cycle.
/set_global_spawn :: Sets default spawnpoint to the location of CCE
/ignore_docking_area (true|false)
/shop_restock :: Restocks the selected shop

Server Management

/add_admin $playername
/remove_admin schema
/ban_name $playername
/ban_ip $(ipAddress)
/whitelist_name $playername
/whitelist_ip $(ipAddress)
/whitelist_activate false
/unban_name schema
/kick schema

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