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Mass: 16559
LxHxW = 307x55x142
Power:7917329.8 (1259552.5 e/s)
Thrust 2790.2
Shields 413369 (8686 s/sec) Recovery: 3
5 AM cannon arrays:
2x 656 default damage
2x 756 default damage
1x 1843 default damage
14 turrets: 8 dorsal, 6 ventral
(non cannon! I'm totally making shit up! )
The Federation did not always come in peace.2x 656 default damage
2x 756 default damage
1x 1843 default damage
14 turrets: 8 dorsal, 6 ventral
(non cannon! I'm totally making shit up! )
The Federation at this point in Trek history was desperately trying to get a 4 nacelle design to work... This was one of their failed test platforms. The problem wasn't actually the engines, or the design itself. the problem was that they didn't have fast enough computer control to keep four nacelles balanced. Instabilities were amplified in the four field system.... They just didn't have the tech at the time. Ships like this were just as fast as hoped, until the engines went suddenly and violently out of phase, causing different parts of the ship to attain different warp factors, in one case scattering parts and crew over three light years. So what do you do with a ship with two extra... make that redundant engines that can still be used to generate power, or can take over for the main engines should they be damaged?
Why, you slap some base turrets on there and don't tell the Vulcans! That's what you do!

The Temugin defies classification. It is the bastard child of a Miranda and an Antares with the power of both and the firepower of a small star base. Four warp nacelles power 14 heavy turrets. Each 17x15x5 turret is independently shielded with backup internal power and minimal drive capability, allowing the Temugin to eject her turrets as combat drones

As a weapon of deterrence, the Temugin and her sisters required a certain sadistic flair for the dramatic among her crew. She used speed, natural stealth and guile to scare the willies out of her victims. Is that an eclipse? No, eclipses don't rain fire on you. After passing through an ion cloud your dorsal sensors don't clear. It could be a malfunction, but the turret ten meters from your view-screen makes you doubt. To this end, the Temugin as crewed almost exclusively with Humans and Andorians who really enjoyed this sort of sport. The final condition was that her captain had to be a Vulcan who would select the targets, but that he or she should leave tactical decisions to the XO. After her first tour, the crew of the Temugin agreed this was probably for the best as at least 40% of them admitted the thought of going rogue had crossed their minds.

Full Disclosure: This and the Antares were "Ships of opportunity". Each are based on transitional steps while reusing parts of the disk of a Constitution to build a Miranda. In the case of the Antares, it's still based pretty closely on an established Star Trek design.
Both ships are an answer to a recent comment that my ships fared poorly in combat and needed turrets. I didn't want to corrupt the design of cannon ships that lacked turrets, but these ships made lovely weapons platforms. With the Temugin, I did my best to maximize the firepower of the vessel while maintaining a Star Trek style design. If the Federation ever built a pure warship, it might look something like this.
What is the difference between this and the tamogen?
ReplyDelete1. Corrected spelling :) (Let that be a lesson to you kids. Google THEN post!)
Delete2. A LOT more power storage capacity.
3. Lot's more AM Firepower. The large lower forward bulge that was decorative deflector dish had now been filled with an 1800+ damage per second AM array.
4. Elevated turret platforms allowing turrets better range of fire without shooting each other.
5. AM arrays and cockpits have been rearranged to prevent shooting ones own turrets off.
6. 3 additional turrets for a total of 8 dorsal and 6 ventral.
7. Snazzier paint job.
DO Let me know how she fights!
Up to this point I've been focusing primarily on aesthetics and fidelity to the design of well established canonical ships. As a secondary goal, I've tried to make ships that could account themselves well in combat or could easily be adapted to do so. This is my first attempt at reversing those priorities and building a ship that might not be as true to the established cannon, but should be able to tear a ragged hole through your enemies and look pretty doing it.
Hmm! You've given me an idea! Maybe I should decorate ships like this with the livery of the "Evil Alternate Universe" empire where Spock had the beard.
Now, see what you've done! I'm going to have to repaint half my ships now.