Download Links:
- http://star-made.org/node/11993
- http://www.starmademultiverse.com/files/file/45-star-trek-nova-class/
In the late 24th century the Nova was commissioned as a class of small planetary research vessels. One of the class, featured prominently in a two part series of Voyager episodes "Equinox" parts 1 and 2.
Mass: 5681
LxWxH = 167x83x34
Power:108233 (796176.1 e/s)
Thrust 16135.1
Shields 242710 (5920 s/sec) Recovery: 3.0
LxWxH = 167x83x34
Power:108233 (796176.1 e/s)
Thrust 16135.1
Shields 242710 (5920 s/sec) Recovery: 3.0
10 unenhanced turret ports.
1 dozen compatible turrets, shipped separately: http://star-made.org/node/11991
1 dozen compatible turrets, shipped separately: http://star-made.org/node/11991
Build Method: This model of the Nova class was a bit of an experiment. Unlike my previous efforts, it was derived from a Voxel Import. Nothing of the original import remains. I used the voxel only as a template to help set the size and proportions of the ship, The imported Voxels were then removed, leaving a wire-frame skeleton on which I built the rest of the ship as normal. I was wary of Voxel imports, thinking that it would remove the art from shipbuilding. I learned that voxels will give you a shape, but not a ship. The art of the build remains, it just removes a lot of the drudgery and painstaking calculations from the build.
The Nova is a not a combat vessel, and neither is this model. That doesn't mean either can't stand up for themselves in a fight. What Nova lacks in brute force she makes up for in speed and agility. She is a full 1 to 1 scale, Star Trek cannon based, Federation ship... But she scales a lot better to the Star-Made universe than many of her larger sisters. She's tough too. The ship core and Computer systems are housed in separate multi-layered hardened hull vaults. 10 turret ports can be filled
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