LxHxW = 129x21x80
Power:200509.8 (411399.9e/s)
Thrust 3606.5
Shields 109167 (3330s/sec) Recovery: 2
Hello, friend! Do you have valuables that need to be sold? Do you have needs that need to be filled? Is your wife just the wrong shade of green? Well, the Orion Syndicate is here to help! You will find our representatives throughout your sector. If approached by one of our ships, do not be put off by their severe appearance or heavy weapons. They are only interested in protecting you and your valuables... If you or your valuables (including your unfortunately tinted wife) seem ... vulnerable... They will make sure you are escorted to one of our well defended nearby trading centers, for your own safety of course.
The Orion Trader (raider/slaver) wasn't really on my to do list, but I got a wild inclination to build it. We never saw this design in The Original series. In fact I thought it had never appeared in any broadcast medium. I had only ever seen the ship as a die cast lead miniature for the game "Star Fleet Battles". And then I saw one in the "Enterprise" episode "Future Tense" A group of Tholians are fighting a group of Suliban, and there in the mix of the battle I saw an Orion ship. I have no idea if the Orions were a third antagonist written out of the plot, or if one of the factions had randomly stolen an Orion ship, or if it was the special effects guys thinking nobody'd notice. In any case I was so amused, I decided to build one.

Cargo and "guest quarters"
Shuttle Bay with working remote activated bay door:
Close abeam a Federation Constitution class for scale:
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